Creating Connectivity Between R Studio & SQL Server 17

January 1, 2019


For Data Science, SQL Server 17 has optional built in R functionality. It also has the ability to call R Studio from within SQL Server. The prerequisite is reliable connectivity between SQL Server and R Studio.

Here are the steps to configure SQL Server and R to work with each other.


Initial Technology Stack To Install:

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Identifying the Correct Name Of Your SQL Server

January 1, 2019


One of the key concepts in relational databases is that of the unique identifier. You would hope that this would apply to technical terms also.

But I’ve recently discovered that, after a simple installation of SQL Server 17, on my Windows 10 laptop, I now have three different names for my host machine. And two different names for my SQL Server.

These have caused me a lot of grief and wasted time.

Here are some methods to identify the different names, and help you troubleshoot the associated issues.

Installation History: Read the rest of this entry »